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Okinawa Prefectural Assembly Protest Helipads ヘリパッド反対!沖縄県議会意見書を翻訳してみた

The Statement of Opinion of Okinawa Prefectural Assembly Concerning the Construction of US Military Helipads in the Northern Training Area (*)

In the Northern Training Area of the US Marine Corps in the main island of Okinawa, the construction of military helipads has been planned and is now being forcibly conducted. These helipads will surround Takae, a community of Higashi Village, Okinawa. As a result, the construction severely threatens villagers’ lives as well as wildlife in the area. Furthermore, the deployment of defective and dangerous Osprey aircraft has caused increasing anxiety among the residents of Okinawa Prefecture.

In the midst of this situation, the Okinawa Defense Bureau completed the construction of two helipads in the N4 area in Takae, Higashi Village, and offered them to US Forces in February 2015, prior to the completion of the whole construction project. This resulted in the rapid increase of military training missions involving Ospreys. With these aircraft flying extremely low above civilian areas anytime during day or night, the residents are constantly exposed to the excessive noise and low-frequency waves beyond the level which they can mentally and physically tolerate. As a result, some children cannot even attend school.

Moreover, in order to resume the construction of the helipads, the Okinawa Defense Bureau mobilized the prefectural riot police to remove protesting residents and their supporters early in the morning on July 11, 2016. The Bureau subsequently began to seek a massive nationwide mobilization of the police force to Takae in order to transport construction materials into the base. Such an attitude of the Japanese government is unacceptable.

We, the Okinawa Prefectural Assembly, have already passed a unanimous resolution demanding withdrawal of the defective Ospreys and the US Marines. Therefore, the construction of Osprey helipads to provide for the US Marines is utterly unacceptable.

Thus, in order to protect the lives, safety, and well-being of the residents of the prefecture, the Okinawa Prefectural Assembly strongly protests the Japanese government’s forcible construction of the helipads in the US Marines’ Northern Training Area. We demand the government to immediately halt construction.

We submit this statement of opinion based on the Article 99 of the Local Autonomy Act.
July 21, 2016
The Prefectural Assembly of Okinawa

Prime Minister of Japan
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Minister of Defense
Minister of State for Okinawa and Northern Territories Affairs

(*)This is the unofficially translated version by Project Disagree, KW, YY.
Official document is written in Japanese, see Ryukyu Shimpo July 22, 2016.
この英文は合意してない版訳で公式のものではない。引用する際にはその旨を明記すること。訳出にあたっては、<高江ヘリパッド意見書全文>『琉球新報』2016年7月22日 12:11を典拠とした。以下に全文を転載する。
